Dessert Monday + More food + The French President + Physic 2000

Every Monday, a small group of students is asked to bring a dessert that they will have prepared beforehand with the help of their host family. We usually ask the families to pick a French (or Breton) dessert, teach the student the recipe, and bake with them. After lunch, the students give a very short presentation of their dessert, and we share it with the rest of the class. This Monday's desserts included Far breton, gâteaux au chocolat, meringues, and gâteau aux pruneaux.

Yesterday, we found out that the French President (Emmanuel Macron) was going to be in Saint-Brieuc today! So right after lunch, we left our school to walk into the valley and down to the little harbor where he was scheduled to eat lunch around 1:30pm. A public speech was not in his schedule, so all we could do in the hope of seeing him was to wait near the restaurant. He was a little late, so while waiting, a couple of the French police officers indulged in a selfie-shooting session with our students! Then we all saw the President. He waved at us. It was quick, but the students were very excited. 

After seeing Macron, a handful of courageous students who had signed up for weekly work-out sessions with Charles-Hubert went to his fitness studio called Physic 2000. Nine students, as well as Scott, are still burning those calories as I'm typing.

Also, I included more pictures of food :)

First dessert Monday

More food

Including moules-frites (mussels and fries), ratatouille, galettes bretonnes, gratin dauphinois, tartes aux pommes, îles flottantes, and crêpes.

Going to see Emmanuel Macron

 Photo credit: Zach

Physic 2000
